Monday, April 7, 2014

What? WE get to pick our classes?

What a perfect educational environment - allowing kids to choose what they want to learn.  What they don't realize is that they are actually picking science, literacy, social studies, and math.  It's a perfect way to engage learners.  Today's choices were Fire, Fire, Fire!; Dough, Mad Max, Basin Ball, Samurai, and Leader of the Pack.  Several kids were disappointed when they learned that classes do not repeat themselves here and this was their one opportunity to try to get the one they want.  There are 6 to choose from so they are told to pick their top 6 and hope for the best.  Here are some groups picking their afternoon classes.

There are 6 of these groups (Field Groups) where they will be spending a great deal of time working on team problem solving, respect, and cooperation.  We are a bit concerned over how chatty they can be - even while a Nature's Classroom teacher is teaching and hope they can turn it around so they don't miss anything. Please enjoy this collection of a field group I joined today.  

This group will stay together all week and work for 2 or more hours per day.  I will return to this group on Friday.  I am so excited to see how they grow as a team and as problem solvers.  Great job today!

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